Bellwether Book Review: Growth is Dead: Now What? by Bruce MacEwen

To read most practice management publications, you’d think that national and multinational law firms are on the path to destruction. To read Bruce MacEwen’s book, “Growth is Dead: Now What?” you might think again. But you’d better steel yourself. The journey off-course could be bumpy.

Why clients fail to manage expectations

Clients know when they need to discuss something that isn’t going well or that will eventually cause a problem. They just don’t know how to broach the conversation. Here are some of the reasons why, and suggestions to manage expectations on both sides of the relationship.

Reputation and risk: a fine balance

As Warren Buffet said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Professionals must constantly balance the need to capitalize on their reputation with public expectations of responsibility. Here are some observations on how to get it right.

Five ways to spruce up your LinkedIn profile

Thinking about revamping your LinkedIn profile? If it’s been a while since you last logged in, here’s a quick primer on getting re-acquainted with “the world’s largest professional network” (or more importantly, your own network).

2013 Pacific Dental Conference Presentation

Natasha Chetty, Principal Consultant at Bellwether Strategies led a standing-room-only seminar on “Reputation Management for the Modern Practice” at the Pacific Dental Conference in Vancouver. She discussed how dental professionals can build their individual reputations and that of their practice and how to respond when reputation is threatened.