To Succeed Where Others Fail Planning a strong start to your firm’s transformation

True breakthroughs in organizational change require spending an equal amount of attention to content, people and process.

Why Face Time Matters More than Ever

Increasing one-on-one meetings with direct reports could be the easiest way to improve firm management. It could also be the most rewarding.

To Share or Not to Share: Consider These Questions Before Posting on Social Media

The flurry of social media activity during and after the recent U.S. presidential election has prompted a lot of us to reconsider how Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn activities reflect individual reputation

Delivering Feedback Fairly and Constructively

Do you need to deliver some tough feedback? Tips to approach the conversation fairly, effectively and constructively.

Take the Sting Out of Tough Feedback Learning to Embrace Constructive Criticism

It’s tempting to avoid colleagues who provide feedback you might not agree with…but there’s a cost to doing so.

IABC Independent Communicators SIG Meeting October 5, 2016, Vancouver, BC

The IABC/BC Independent Communicators Special Interest Group will meet in Vancouver on Wednesday, October 5, 2016.

Highlights from the 2016 LMA P3 Conference

Billed as a forum where innovative practice management approaches are shared, the LMA P3 continues to showcase progressive ideas and practical experiences from firms transforming the way they do business.

More than a Google Search: 4 Questions to Assess Your Reputation

When I ask young professionals how they plan on building their reputations, the answers that I usually hear range from “do whatever I’m told” to “don’t screw up” to “incessantly self-promote”. Of course, there’s more to it than that.

Sabbaticals for the Self-Employed

Many firms offer sabbatical programs as a workplace benefit. As long as employees meet defined criteria and plan carefully, they’re able to take a few months off without much risk. But are sabbaticals feasible for self-employed professionals?